Thursday, November 5, 2015

Hell's Kitchen Road

Publishers of 'HAVASUPAI' on an adventure awaits.

Monday, October 26, 2015

Forest fire in Yellowstone,

it was seven years ago. Where has the time gone.

#braveknight62 - google+     

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

One those days.....when you love life so much you want everybody to enjoy it

Today was one of those lump in the throat, tear in the eye kinda days, too fast for photos. Layed over in the turns, full throttle on the open road. Golden fields of soy bean, blue lakes, winding streams that pictures can't do justice. Feeling the wind, the #power in the bars, you thank the Lord you are home safe but you also know it was the way life was meant to be lived, #full #throttle. This can't be explained, it is what being #free politicians, no TV, no news, just the smells, feel, taste, of being out there.

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Took a #hike in the local #woods today, found

an old cut stone iron furnace, probably pre civil war. I had heard about and had tried to find it before. This is made of massive cut stones. Can not imagine how much work went into the construction. It was someone's dream.

#Brave #Knight

#Brave #Knight
A #Brave #Knight I painted

#Brave #Knight #Writers

#Brave #Knight #Writers
A Brave knight I painted

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