short story but
'Hitchers' will be a novel about the sixties, the untold story of the "summer of love".
Soon to be posted, story about 1969---summer of love.
but for now something totally different........
or how about a little art for free
Straight out of the Castle Studio, three of the characters in MR. Duck and the Girls. Norma, the third chicken is not represented here, hopefully she'll sign on tomorrow. Her agent is holding out for a few bennies but we believe she'll be on board tomorrow.
This is Floppy, she's blonde and goes her own way. She disappeared for three days once and refuses to tell us where she went.
Does anyone see the hidden element in the dragon ?
What's a castle without a dragon. Well as luck would have it the rumors of a beast living in the pond have been confirmed. The legend had been around for years before we started construction. Strange surface disturbances had been reported by some of our subcontractors during construction. Finally, today I was able to get a couple of photographs of the legendary Tessie. This may explain why MR. Duck has never ventured into the murkie waters of our pond, he denies it though. MR. Duck insists that it is only out of reguard for his non-swimming chicken friends.
Tessie emerging from the reeds at the edge of the pond.
I zoomed in for a close up so there would be no doubt.
"Freedom is just another word for nothing left to lose."
Mr. Duck has announced his commitment to saving the chicken at a time if need be.
No Hollywood duck, Mr Duck detests the stereotypes portrayed by Donald and Daffy, he says he's the real deal, a heartland Mallard. Brave Knight will keep you posted with news stories and photos of Mr. Duck's exploits as he takes up the sword. Mr. Duck was raised with chickens and feels their plight. He has often said he considers himself chicken.
Below we have some new arrivals.
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