When I was young they called me a radical, now I'm just an old crank.
genius has its limits."~Albert Einstein
"Our taxes are not being spent to teach our youth to think and reason, our educational system indoctrinates." a teacher friend said, insisting on being anonymous.
in·doc·tri·nate [ in dóktrə nàyt ] The mission of our universities ?
- cause to believe something: to teach somebody a belief, doctrine, or ideology thoroughly and systematically, especially with the goal of discouraging independent thought or the acceptance of other opinions
- America is lost, our constitution trampled by the ones sworn to protect it. It was once our defense from an overburdening, meddlesome government. Our children were taught that it is no longer relevant, the constitution blocked the government from offering ways to buy votes and with that our nation was conquered and pillaged without a single shot being fired.
- May our founding father's rest in peace knowing that their genius did its best but in the end evil triumphed.
- We are planting a victory garden this summer...Victory ? Over what you asked ? Starvation! Dang, I'm an artist without a job. There's no money in this endeavor but I will accept donations.
- Welfare is looking pretty good right now, I hear they want to up enrollment in food stamps. Can a Vegan buy Vegan stuff or can they only be used to buy cigarettes, soft drinks and chips ?
- Recommended readings, to understand the plight of our nation read the "Communist Manifesto" and Noam Chomsky Writings. The enemy is choking us with our own rope.
The recent "Lincoln" film brought this to mind....
"I think they are ridiculous," said Mr. Montrose. "I am not one to deprecate luxury and ease and civilized amenities, but they should be discrete, especially in war time. Less---fortunate---people are inclined to become envious, not asking themselves, of course, why others had more than themselves and what industry, intelligence, and sleepless ambition produced such luxury and how it was earned by sweat and self-denial and superior intelligence, or what superb villainy. But every man who has to count his pennies feels that in some fashion those who surpass him in mind and will and ingenuity have 'exploited' him, and by their wealth have taken money from his own pocket. You feel this sentiment especially insisten in the North, though not in the South. It has been encouraged by Mr. Lincoln, and 'new men' in the universities who are, themselves, envious of greater ability and more energy. There is nothing more dangerous than an inferior man who has been convinced that he has been deprived of what he feels is due to his humanness." (Captain and the Kings by Taylor Caldwell,copywrite 1972) and....."America is doomed because she draws no distinction between those who are naturally pre-eminent and those born to be obscure. That, sadly, is called 'democracy,' which is the common denominator of a barnyard."
America was founded as a Republic so as to save us from 'democracy' which is now taught and pushed so as to undo us.
Mr Montrose nodded. "Such men are mad. But madness is spreading, ever since Karl Marx promulgated his communist manifesto fifteen years ago. I am no prophet, but I can say this: Since the French Commune in 1795 the world has begun to lose its reason." (Captains and the Kings by Taylor Caldwell 1972)
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